4 Special Details to Handle in The Weeks Leading Up to Your Wedding
No matter how organized you are, the last few weeks leading up to your wedding are always so hectic that you might skip a few important...

4 Tips for a Fabulous Fall Wedding
Although summer is the most popular season for weddings in many parts of the country, you should definitely know that these days, more...

5 Ways to Manage Wedding Planning Stress During Covid-19
Listen, planning a wedding can be hard. And we would know, we’ve been planning weddings in South Carolina for a long time! Planning a...

3 Ways to Choose A Date for Your Wedding in South Carolina
Congrats on your engagement! You’re probably at the point where the initial euphoria you had has died down a bit. We’re still excited for...

4 Tips for Throwing A Bridal Shower on A Tight Budget
Bridal showers are a very sweet tradition meant to pamper the bride before her wedding day, as well as help some of her closest friends...

How to Have a Frozen Themed Wedding
Winter is nearly here and for our winter brides, we’ve written this post to help. We rarely have snow here in South Carolina so choosing...

How to Plan Your Wedding in 30 Days
On an average, couples take about 14 months to plan their wedding. It is however possible to plan yours on a much shorter timeline. The...

3 Ways Flowers Can Beautify Your Wedding
Having flowers at wedding events has become a tradition. This is because flowers create a romantic setting and enhance the aesthetic...

How to Achieve a Perfect Table at Your Wedding
As simple as a wedding table might sound, achieving a perfect table can be very difficult. Event planners always spend time analyzing...

How to Navigate 3 Difficult Areas of Wedding Planning
As you may have heard it and read it before, wedding planning is not even by far the easiest thing to do – so much so that most people...