Use These Tips to Make Sure You Have Zero Regrets about Your Wedding Planning
Your South Carolina wedding day should be one of the happiest, most beautiful and most unforgettable day of your life. None of the amazing emotions that are bound to embrace you on the Big Day should include regret. Sure, anxiety and stress are fairly normal up to a point – but you should never feel like you’re regretting anything related to your wedding planning.
How do you make sure that doesn’t happen? We have some wedding planning tips for you – so read on and find out more.

Stop aiming for the impossible. Perfection is, well, in the eye of the beholder – you cannot satisfy everyone and you never will. The only thing you’re getting out of this is a lot of stress and a lot of “what if’s” that will only make you feel bad on what is supposed to be the most amazing day of your life. Set realistic expectations – for your style, for your budget, for the amount of time you can invest in planning the wedding. It will make you feel much happier!
You don’t have to serve a million types of food. Science shows that people with fewer choices are more satisfied in general – so why not apply this to your wedding too? Of course, make sure there’s a vegetarian option and everyone can eat the food on the table. But other than that, focus on simple, delicious, fresh ingredients that are skillfully cooked.
It’s never about the things or prices. It’s about the experiences you create at your wedding. The tasteful food, the embracing ambiance, the good music, the laughing and the tears of joy – these are the “things” that really matter. It’s never about the gold in the cutlery or the expensive lace you’ve used for the wedding table linens.
Don’t obsess over anything when planning the wedding. The bigger the choice ahead of you, the more you should take your mind off it. Obsessing over the options will only make you focus on the criteria that doesn’t really matter for you, precisely because you’ll be over analyzing everything.
Looking for a fantastic wedding planner in South Carolina? Contact Dazzle (Events) by Andrea and allow us to be the ones who will plan the most beautiful day of your entire life. We’re here to help out – give us a call and you won’t regret it!